Born in a town called Muruakkumpuzha, Najeeb did his schooling in his hometown and also in Thirvunanthapuram (Trivandrum). He attended NFS College in Nellam and Mari Ivanios College in Thirvunanthapuram. Najeeb studied English literature followed by a course in journalism and later pursued his MBA from Newport University (USA) centre in Bangalore alongside his travel and tourism business. Najeeb started his travel company, Air Travel Enterprise (ATE) Group in 1976 as a non-IATA agent and applied for an IATA accreditation in 1979. He got the recognition in 1981, after which he did not look back.
Najeeb has set up an expansive business comprising inbound, outbound, online travel company, consulting and has also forayed in the hospitality industry in the last few years. Apart from heading the ATE Group, Najeeb is also a part of various associations and industry events like Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) and Kerala Travel Mart (KTM).