J. Reghu is a Political Thinker based in Kerala and the former Assistant Editor, State Institute of Encyclopaedia, Government of Kerala. His research interests include History of Ideas, Intellectual History of Colonial India, and Social History of Low-Caste Movements in Kerala. He is a prolific writer of monographs and articles on these fields in English and Malayalam, which have been brought out by Routledge, Oxford University Press, DC Books, etc.He is also the author of ' Community - as De-imaginning Nation; Relocating the Ezhava Movement in Kerala' in a contributory volume published by Routledge, and 'What Is Hindutva' in a volume published by UNESCO. His Malayalam books include 'Hindutvam; Siddhantavum Charitravum', published by Kerala State Institute of Languages, 'Desharastravum Hindu Colonialisavum', published by Subject and Language Press.