Dr. M. I. Sahadulla is a Kerala based Internal Medicine specialist and a Healthcare Management expert by profession. He was a member of the faculty of General Medicine in the Medical College, Kerala Government, worked in the National Health Services, UK and also had training in the best Medical Centers in the United States. He has 25 years of experience in Saudi Aramco (Arabian American Oil Company) Hospitals in various capacities such as Physician, Internist and administrator through which he has gained rich experience in American standards of Healthcare, Quality and Accreditation.
Dr. M. I. Sahadulla is the Founder Chairman & Managing Director of KIMS Healthcare Management Limited (KIMS Healthcare Group), a Public Limited Company formed in 1996 with a vision to establish a healthcare institution with a difference, adopting the best of global quality standards. His experience in the healthcare sector ranges over an impressive 40 years, spanning across several countries such as India, UK, Saudi Arabia, USA and other countries of the Middle East.