Sarita Mohanan Varma is an emerging Malayalam poet and a senior journalist. Her English poems have figured in Muse India and Words Without Borders. Her Malayalam poems have been widely anthologized and has represented Kerala at Kendra Sahithya Academy Women Poets' (NE & South) meet- 2018, at Bangalore.
Since 1984, she has been serving as newrooms in national media like The Indian Express, The Statesman and in Malayala Manorama and was a recipient of JET National Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence and Thomson Reuters mentoring. She has worked in Kolkata, Chennai, Kottayam, Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram. As a development journalist, she has reported from Vietnam, Bangkok, London, Krabi Island and Sri Lanka. Currently, she serves as Assistant Editor, The Financial Express.
Besides Post-graduate degree in English Literature from University College, Kerala, she also holds MPhil from JNU-Delhi.