Aanchal Malhotra is a multidisciplinary artist and oral historian, working with memory and material culture. She received a BFA in Printmaking/Art History from OCAD University, Toronto, where she won the prestigious University Medal for her thesis, Altering Perspectives, which explored the Parallax View and visual deconstruction of a photographic image.
She is interested in acts of recollection and the malleability of our memory. Her projects explore the written word, forms of the book, and the versatility of traditional printmaking. Born into a family of booksellers in New Delhi, she has grown up surrounded by the written word. She is also the co-founder of the Museum of Material Memory.
She currently lives in New Delhi and is working on her first book, Remnants of a Separation, about the belongings carried by refugees to either side of the border during the Partition of India in 1947.