Dr. Ashalatha Thampuran is a renowned educationist and former Principal of College of Engineering, Trivandrum. She graduated from the University of Kerala in Bachelors of Architecture and completed her postgraduation at the University of Roorkee.
After training in Development Planning from London University, she took her doctorate from University of Kerala in Traditional Architecture. Ashalatha Thampuran holds the first PhD in architecture for her thesis ‘Traditional residential forms of Malabar coast’. She has also written the book Thiruvananthapuram – Monograph of Heritage Buildings.
She started her academic career as lecturer in Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Trivandrum. In a career spanning several decades, she has been actively associated with several prestigious architectural projects. She has also done extensive research in traditional architecture and has presented several papers at national and international forums. She is currently executive director of Mohandas College of Engineering and Technology.